Thursday, September 11, 2014

Long overdue...

Forgive me for my spelling is atrocious, my grammar is broken and my time is limited.

My first attempt was a lifetime ago. This second post is long overdue. I will spare you the excuses and just jump in.

In the next few posts, I will attempt to describe the adventures I have had since my first post. I have plenty of pictures to share as well.

General Road map:
South Carolina, Florida, The Washington D.C. area, California, New York...
France, Spain, Czech Republic, Italy...

General notes:
overwhelming. breathtaking.

The world offers a stunning diversity of people and places.

It has been incredible to soak up the different cultures by watching the people, getting lost, listening to the conversations, and tasting the food. I have only scratched the surface of these places and their cultures. I was there only a moment before it was time to leave again.

I collected mental snapshots to commemorate my travels. I will forever treasure these stolen moments and the lessons I learned along the way.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Gypsy blood: Post 1

Gyp•sy- n.One inclined to a nomadic, unconventional way of life”

     My mother always said that I have gypsy blood running through our veins. Rather than a true ancestry, “gypsy-ness” is a trait passed on by my family.
     My family members are scattered throughout the United States, relocating frequently. Wanderlust? Definitely. We will never fully unpack our bags before it is time to leave again. Travel is our lifeblood.
     The world has the capacity to open the eyes, expand the heart, and cleanse the soul. We can only hope to gain wisdom if we are constantly exposed to new experiences. These discoveries are like roots; they nourish and stabilize us. When challenges arise, we will be ready to face them.

     Guided by distinct, unique visions, gypsies fearless reject cultural norms. It takes courage to be different. However, variety is what makes the world vibrant and beautiful.

|  G y p s y   R o o t s  |