Thursday, September 11, 2014

Long overdue...

Forgive me for my spelling is atrocious, my grammar is broken and my time is limited.

My first attempt was a lifetime ago. This second post is long overdue. I will spare you the excuses and just jump in.

In the next few posts, I will attempt to describe the adventures I have had since my first post. I have plenty of pictures to share as well.

General Road map:
South Carolina, Florida, The Washington D.C. area, California, New York...
France, Spain, Czech Republic, Italy...

General notes:
overwhelming. breathtaking.

The world offers a stunning diversity of people and places.

It has been incredible to soak up the different cultures by watching the people, getting lost, listening to the conversations, and tasting the food. I have only scratched the surface of these places and their cultures. I was there only a moment before it was time to leave again.

I collected mental snapshots to commemorate my travels. I will forever treasure these stolen moments and the lessons I learned along the way.